Macarona BEchamel

Macarona Béchamel


– Boil your pasta, drain, then add some olive oil so your pasta doesn’t stick together while you prepare the rest of your dish.

– In a pan with olive oil, cook your ground beef on medium heat. Once it’s cooked, throw in your tomato paste, onion, tomato, chicken bullion, and your cup of water. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes (stirring every min)
– After 5 minutes, add in your seasonings, stir and set to the side (always taste to preference)

– In a small pot, melt down 5 tbsp of butter on medium heat. Add in your flour, stirring quickly so there’s no lumps. Continue to cook your flour for about 2-3 minutes until it develops a light golden color.

.- Next, while stirring – add in 4 cups of warmed whole .milk!

Throw in your seasonings bring to a simmer (while stirring, on low-med heat) until it thickens to a creamy and smooth consistency as shown in the video (should take a few min)

Now in a rectangle dish, put your pasta bake together! Add half of your pasta, then half of your béchamel sauce, so about 2 cups, All of your meat, a layer of cheese, then the rest of your pasta, & the rest of your béchamel sauce on top

– Cover with foil or lid & pop in the oven @ 400°f for 20 mins.

– Take out of the oven, add a layer of cheese on the

top & broil until the cheese is melted & slightly golden

– Finish off with freshly chopped parsley and you’re done.


1 lbs pasta

Mozzarella cheese for layering


1 lbs ground beef (80/20)

– 1 medium onion diced

1 tomato diced

1 chicken bullion cube

1 heaping tbsp tomato paste

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp oregano

Béchamel ~

5 tbsp butter, unsalted

4 1/2 tbsp AP flour

4 cups whole milk, warmed

1/4 tsp nutmeg

1 chicken bullion cube

– 1 tsp salt

– 1 tsp white pepper